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                    ? item.variation.media.alt_translations
                    : item.product.cover_media.alt_translations) | translateModel
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  • {{ getSelectedItemDetail(selectedChildProduct, item).childProductName }} x {{ selectedChildProduct.quantity || 1 }}

    {{ getSelectedItemDetail(selectedChildProduct, item).childVariationName }}

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Your mind needs no permission from anyone to be free 





督賀咖啡創始店問世,為了可以忠實展現味自慢的態度,我們同時選用美國DIEDRICH IR2.5及義大利IMF 15KG烘豆機來精心烘焙每一批咖啡,而店內每個擁有不同個性與特質的精品咖啡師們,彼此以不同的風格,用心呈現自己心目中的瓊漿玉液。我們深信一杯風味明亮、甜感飽滿、尾韻醇厚、讓人懷念的這一杯咖啡,絕不是來自同一顆咖啡豆,就如督賀咖啡的所有美好,也不是來自同一個人,希望我們用心做的咖啡,您會喜歡。



督賀咖啡自豪的精品配方,獲得美國精品咖啡評鑑COFFEE REVIEW 93分的肯定,於是招牌配方豆正式開始上架銷售,我們沒有停止學習、修正,期待日後能給大家更高分的享受。






DOHO café is located in Caotun, Nantou. Nantou is in the center of Taiwan, where is the only one county isn’t next to the sea.
In Taiwanese pronunciation of DOHO [ tú-hó] , it means something have the result of pure serendipity.

We have two stores for specialty coffee with completely different atmospheres, there’s a group of barista who is committed to providing wonderful things.
In addition to providing excellent quality of coffee and selling our own roasted coffee beans, we also hope to share the beautiful coffee culture with more people.